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Why you should see a non-diet nutritionist

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  1. Respecting body diversity: Embracing the natural diversity of body shapes and sizes.
  2. Holistic health: Recognising that health and well-being are multi-faceted, encompassing physical, social, spiritual, occupational, emotional, and intellectual dimensions.
  3. Promoting well-being for all: Encouraging health and true well-being for people of all sizes.
  4. Balanced eating: Promoting eating in a way that balances individual nutritional needs, hunger, satiety, appetite, and pleasure.
  5. Enjoyable physical movement: Encouraging physical activity that is enjoyable and life-enhancing, rather than solely focussed on weight loss.
  1. Want to improve their relationship with food: Especially if they’ve been trapped in endless diet cycles.
  2. Experience health conditions: Such as high cholesterol, diabetes, IBS, heart disease, fatty liver, or PCOS.
  3. Want to learn more about nutrition: Including topics like veganism/vegetarianism, food allergies/ intolerances, nutrient deficiencies, or sports nutrition.
  4. Need support with long-term dietary changes: Ensuring they can maintain healthy eating behaviours over time.